Frank Zibi High School

Welcome to Frank Zibi High School, the first school choice on your new learning journey. Out of all good Secondary schools in Eastern Cape, this school is worth a mention.

Perhaps you have just moved to Mount Fletcher-Mount Fletcher surrounding areas and need information on registering a new student, Frank Zibi High School is your option with great reviews and ratings.

To help make your decision easier, here are few quick things to know: The principal Cb Mhlana, 9 teachers and 314 learners have great academic, socio-economic, and cultural diversity.

Ratings & Reviews

Be one of the parents to rate Frank Zibi High School, add the star rating for others to consider when looking for Secondary schools like this one.


Note:  All details about Frank Zibi High School are as per The Department of Education. To request changes, please click here.

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Frank Zibi High School history

Frank Zibi High School academic results consistently maintain good national achievements, but there’s so much more than a good academic record.

Since the school opened the doors, it has been a place where all students in Eastern Cape and beyond, can call home as it celebrate and embrace ethnic and cultural diversity.

Frank Zibi High School details

EMIS/NATEMIS Number for Frank Zibi High School is 200400502, and the school specialisation is Agriculture.

  • Teachers: 9
  • Learners:
  • Physical Address: Ezingonyameni A/A, , Mount Fletcher, 4770 Mount Fletcher Mount Fletcher
  • Local Municipality: Elundini Local Municipality
  • City: Mount Fletcher
  • Province: Eastern Cape

Contact details

The principal of Frank Zibi High School Cb Mhlana and the admin team are very easy to talk to, you can either visit the school, call or send a message.

  • Phone: 0
  • Physical Address: Ezingonyameni A/A, , Mount Fletcher, 4770
  • Postal Address: P/Bag X1133, Mount Fletcher, 4770
  • Village: Ezingonyameni A/A
  • Suburb: Mount Fletcher

Frank Zibi High School fees

For application fees or registration fees at Frank Zibi High School, the principal Cb Mhlana has all the information readily available. A Public school will always have other fees payable for certain activities.

Frank Zibi High School uniform policy

The correct Frank Zibi High School uniform is to be worn at all times, the school expects all students to take pride in their appearance and to dress neatly at all times.

Shoes should be kept clean and regularly polished. Bare feet are not permitted at any level for health and safety reasons.

List of teachers & staff

The list of Frank Zibi High School teachers is made up of suitable educators with great academic achievements. They encourage students to be curious and creative thinkers who respect themselves and others.

  • Principal: Cb Mhlana
  • Teachers:

Frank Zibi High School pass rate

Behind the statistics and results, each child has a unique story. Frank Zibi High School multiple accolades and exceptional ratings are from the community

Frank Zibi High School pleasing pass rate is possible by a dedicated team of teachers, the principal, and extra staff.

Frank Zibi High School stationery list

If you don’t see a school supply list here, it is likely that the teacher for your grade has the list.

Order online for peace of mind and convenience. Upload Frank Zibi High School stationery list to, for delivery to your door or to school.

School calendar

For Frank Zibi High School calendar and term dates, or to find when will Frank Zibi High School open or close, please download the school calendar printable pdf.

Learners test questions and answers or k53 pdf

Students (if not parents) might have to get a driver’s license at some point, you can download K53 pdf learners test questions and answers that are easy to print and practice at any time.

Please note that both Code 8 and Code 10 learn the same road signs, it’s only the controls and parking that differs a little.

Frank Zibi High School website & online platforms

For social media platforms, websites, and online registration forms, you might have to visit the school directly.

Note that this is not an official school webpage and we advice guardians to visit the school for more information.

Frank Zibi High School news & helpful Links

Cynthia Rambarly

Books and schools are quite literally my life and thanks to my life-long love affair with reading and writing. I have experience with writing blogs in online magazines. I read and write daily and love writing on schools.

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