Pine Ridge Middle School in Kingston-Nova Scotia
Pine Ridge Middle School History | Ranking | Tuition fee | Enrollment/registration | Contacts
Pine Ridge Middle School is one of the best High Schools in Nova Scotia, located at 625 Pine Ridge Ave, B0P 1R0, Kingston Canada.
School History
Since Pine Ridge Middle School started taking students in all High School grades, within few years students from neighbouring schools around Kingston started flocking in. The school building has the capacity to enrol students from Grade 06 up to Grade 08.
After growing and educating the students for several decades, Pine Ridge Middle School’s current shape, infrastructure and administration has a decent enrollment for your student to be catered for.
Pine Ridge Middle School does not only hold good values in high regards but also excels in educating the students and competing with other fellow High Schools within Kingston. It ranks better than 08% of schools in Kingston and better than 38% schools in Nova Scotia according to report. The school scores a great average ranking at city level as well as provincial level.
Tuition fee
The fee structure from 06-08th grade can be found on the school website.
All the details of enrollment and registration of grade – are also available on the Pine Ridge Middle School website. Feel free to look up the websites and contact us.
Pine Ridge Middle School Staff
Pine Ridge Middle School is under a very friendly person, The Principal: Catherine Rafuse, and a supportive, educated and devoted team.
Contact detail
Pine Ridge Middle School contact details are listed below:
- School Address: 625 Pine Ridge Ave, Kingston, B0P 1R0.
- Phone: 902-765-7570
- e-Mail:
- Website:
Parents and guardians are welcomed to contact the school regarding any query.
General Supply list for Kindergarten
- 2 boxes Crayola broad line washable markers (10/pack, classic colours)
- 1 box Crayons – Crayola, 24 pk 4 glue Sticks – 40g (large) (Please no Staples brand)
- 1 bottle white liquid glue
- 1 black sharpie-fine point
- 1 pkg Ticongeroga HB pencils (sharpened)
- 6 Expo dry erase markers (black only, fine tip)
- 4 duo-tangs (not plastic or patterned)
- 1 each in red, yellow, green, blue
- 3 plain Hilroy exercise books (light blue cover)
- 1 Winnable brand backpack pouch (Staples item 187899)
- 1 scissors – child-sized, blunt tip (not safety)
- 1 washable paint palette – Crayola
- 1 pair of running shoes with non-marking soles to keep at school. Please select runners that your child can do up independently.
- 1 complete change of clothes in a ziplock bag labelled with your child’s name (socks, underwear, pants, t-shirt)
- 1 backpack for carrying items to and from school – no rolling cases
- 1 pencil box, plastic, 5”x8”, only
- 1 lunch kit and water bottle
- 1 Box of Kleenex
NOTE: There may be additional supplies requested by the teacher once your child is assigned to a class. The cost will be minimal.