Soni Day Secondary School in Soni-Tanzania
Matokeo ya kidato cha pili, cha nne, cha sita, mawasiliano na usajili
It is that time of the year when parents look for the best secondary school in Tanzania. Let’s face it, looking for a new school is never an easy task, more so to view the results for form TWO, form Four, or form SIX.
Here are Two helpful TIPS before you enroll or view results for Soni Day secondary school.
Application | Matumizi rahisi
You might have recently moved to Soni and looking for a secondary school or primary school, Tanga has plenty of great and successful schools like Soni Day and you don’t need to look any further.
Soni Day school has a respectable and stellar rank among public schools in Tanga. As with all schools in Tanzania, parents wanting to apply at this school must register for placement within Soni Day school website, but it is better to visit the school in person.
Shule ya Soni Day ina hadhi ya heshima na ya kupendeza kati ya shule za umma huko Tanga. Kama ilivyo kwa shule zote nchini Tanzania, wazazi wanaotaka kuomba katika shule hii lazima wajiandikishe kwa kuwekwa ndani ya wavuti ya shule ya Soni Day, lakini ni bora kutembelea shule hiyo kwa ana.
To View Soni Day school results
Soni Day school has a respectable and stellar rank among public schools in the region of Tanga.
The School Direct team surveyed few parents from this school and found that: Timu ya School Direct ilichunguza wazazi wachache kutoka shule hii na kugundua kuwa:
- 11% reported that they were satisfied with the education their child was receiving.
- 24% stated that the school offers a wide and enough variety of programs, classes, and activities to keep their child interested in school.
- With an increased pass rate of 11%, parents seem to think the school is great for their kids all-around academically and socially.
Matokeo ya shule ya Soni Day 2021/2022
- Click to view Soni Day form FTNA results | matokeo ya kidato cha pili Soni Day
- Click to view Soni Day form Four results | matokeo ya kidato cha nne Soni Day
- Click to view Soni Day form SIX results | matokeo ya kidato cha sita Soni Day
NECTA Results | PSLE Results | FTNA Results
Soni Day Secondary School monitors learners’ progress and has a robust performance management process, as well as driving programs geared towards students with learning difficulties.