Accounting Study Guide Grade 12

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This Mind the Gap free Accounting study guide has been CAPS aligned and helps you to prepare for the end-of-year Accounting Grade 12 examination, it does focus on core content of each knowledge area and points out where you can earn easy marks.

Accounting Study Guide Pdf Grade 12

Pay special attention to the way the workings have been shown in the worked examples. This is the best way for you to earn maximum marks.

Remember, your success in the final exam will depend on how much extratime you put into preparing. This is an Accounting study guide pdf file, it is easy to print or save on usb.

Study and master accounting grade 12 study guide TIPS

You can study and master grade 12 exams very easy, but In order for you to be successful in Accounting you must:

  • Ensure that you know the formats or layouts of the:
    – Income Statement
    – Balance Sheet
    – Cash Flow Statement
    – Production Cost Statement
    – General Ledger accounts
  • Understand the concepts explained in this guide and know how to do calculations.
Grade 12 Accounting Study Guide Free Download Pdf
Grade 12 Accounting Study Guide Free Download Pdf

Accounting handbook and study guide pdf download FREE

Top 10 Accounting study tips

  1. Have all your materials ready before you begin studying – pencils, pens, highlighters, paper, etc.
  2. Be positive. Make sure your brain holds onto the information you are learning by reminding yourself how important it is to remember the work and get the marks.
  3. Take a walk outside. A change of scenery will stimulate your learning. You’ll be surprised at how much more you take in after being outside in the fresh air.
  4. Break up your learning sections into manageable parts. Trying to learn too much at one time will only result in a tired, unfocused and anxious brain.
  5. Keep your study sessions short but effective and reward yourself with short, constructive breaks.
  6. Teach your concepts to anyone who will listen. It might feelstrange at first, but it is definitely worth reading your revisionnotes aloud.
  7. Your brain learns well with colours and pictures. Try to use them whenever you can.
  8. Be confident with the learning areas you know well and focus your brain energy on the sections that you find more difficultto take in.
  9. Repetition is the key to retaining information you have to learn.Keep going – don’t give up!
  10. Sleeping at least 8 hours every night, eating properly and drinking plenty of water are all important things you need to do for your brain. Studying for exams is like strenuous exercise, so you must be physically prepared.

Click for Accounting Study Guide Free Download (12.39 MB)

Download Grade 12 Exam Time Table here.

Cynthia Rambarly

Books and schools are quite literally my life and thanks to my life-long love affair with reading and writing. I have experience with writing blogs in online magazines. I read and write daily and love writing on schools.

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