ALL results for Tanzanian schools

Matokeo YOTE ya Tanzania

Many schools operate without an official website. This is despite the good IT standing of Tanzania as a nation. School Direct database has all the schools’ results in Tanzania. That is why it is easy for us to provide a listing of all the schools in this country. You can also feel free to approach us for a variety of services related to boosting you school or business.

It is that time of the year when parents now find results of our precious ones. Almost from their birth, parents begin to consider where their child will spend their school years. Knowing that their education is more than just filling their head with knowledge, parents want to see their learners achieving the best marks possible.

Form 6 Results

Public schools in our beautiful Tanzania are often filled to capacity, the number of students far outnumbering the teacher. While this situation may not bother some students or parents, most children find themselves acting a certain way to attract attention from their teacher and peers. Some students seek attention by pursuing good grades. Click for Matokeo ya kidato cha Sita | Matokeo ya darasa la Sita.

Form 4 Results

Our learners receive character training in the classroom, but above all, the values taught in the classroom between teachers, students and peers reflect the values of a good family. Some families value and support anything that will make it easier for a learner to get good grades.

Form 2 Results

When a student feels the support of their teachers and family, or learns confidence from positive affirmation in the classroom and at home, that student is more determined to pursue good grades.

Primary Standard 7 results (PSLE)

The objectives of PSLE are to assess learner’s skills and knowledge gained in the different subjects at primary school level; to assess learners understanding of the basic skills and abilities in reading, writing and arithmetic and the extent that they can use such skills in solving pertinent problems in life; and identify learners with the capacity to continue with secondary education and other training institutions. Click for matokeo ya mtihani wa darasa la saba.

Matokeo ya kidato cha Sita | Matokeo ya darasa la Sita ! Form 6

Matokeo ya kidato cha Nne # | matokeo ya darasa la nne! Form 4

matokeo ya kidato cha Pili # Form 2

matokeo ya mtihani wa darasa la saba # primary standard 7 (PSLE)

  • Matokeo ya kidato cha Sita | Matokeo ya darasa la Sita ! Form 6
  • Matokeo ya kidato cha Nne # | matokeo ya darasa la nne! Form 4
  • matokeo ya kidato cha Pili # Form 2
  • matokeo ya mtihani wa darasa la Saba # primary standard 7 (PSLE)

Cynthia Rambarly

Books and schools are quite literally my life and thanks to my life-long love affair with reading and writing. I have experience with writing blogs in online magazines. I read and write daily and love writing on schools.


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