Urbanus B. Dax Primary School-Namibia

An Effective guide to Urbanus B. Dax Primary School 2024 Application

Urbanus B. Dax Primary School in Namibia is a shining example of academic excellence, consistently achieving remarkable results. As a public institution, this school strikes the perfect balance in size, neither too large nor too small, providing an optimal learning environment for its students.


Urbanus B. Dax Primary School in Arandis is a State Primary school in Namibia. This is one of the highest-ranked academic schools in Erongo region with excellent academics, leadership, sports, and culture.

Fast Facts

Info Facts
School Name Urbanus B. Dax Primary School
Grade Grade 4-Grade 7
Ownership State
Type Primary
Region Erongo
Language Dual
School Code 7213
Circuit Walvis Bay Erongo
Details as per The Ministry of Education, Arts & Culture Data

Urbanus B. Dax Primary School contact details

For new parents, the best time to contact or visit Urbanus B. Dax Primary School will be after 9h00, at this time, learners are in their respective classes. The principal or the admin team will be able to take you on school tour and can advice on the best way to get admission at the school.

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More and more parents in Erongo are choosing to rent houses near their children schools, this effort benefits you and your children at the same time.

Click for place to rent in Arandis or place to rent near Urbanus B. Dax Primary School. The question is, how far is Urbanus B. Dax Primary School from you? Below are the school contact details:

  • Phone: 064510165
  • Address: P.O. Box 77Arandis
  • e-Mail: ubdaxps@gmail.com
  • Website: www.Urbanus B. Dax Primary School.co.na
  • Town: Arandis

How much is Urbanus B. Dax Primary School fees?

Primary schools like Urbanus B. Dax Primary School has been serving quality education to Namibian students from grade Grade 4 to grade Grade 7 for years, and there has been an increase in the number of learner joining the school. The main reason? Urbanus B. Dax Primary School Fees are affordable and the structure is as follows:

  1. Public Schools: Besides the affordability of fees, the Namibia Ministry of Education, Arts & Culture pays a universal education grant of N$200 per primary school pupil (UPE grant) and N$300 per secondary school pupil (USE grant) to all state schools.
  2. These universal education grants’ priorities are: basic stationery, hostels, and ensuring that the school feeding programme is being delivered.
  3. Private Schools: Just under 98% of the private school’s income comes from school fees since The Universal Education Grant might not apply. Annual average  tuition fees might cost as follows:
  • Early Years: N$65,400
  • Grade 1 – 2: N$148,400
  • Grades 3 – 5: N$164,400
  • Grades 6 – 8: N$188,900
  • Grades 9 & 10: N$208,700
  • Grades 11 – 12: N$230,300
NOTE: Urbanus B. Dax Primary School is a State school. Fees might differ from school to school and please contact the school. All fees quoted in Namibian dollars.



What is Urbanus B. Dax Primary School registration code?

The school code of Urbanus B. Dax Primary School, according to The Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture inNamibia, is .

Which region is Urbanus B. Dax Primary School located?

Urbanus B. Dax Primary School is a State school located in Erongo region.

How big is Urbanus B. Dax Primary School in size and number of learners?

Urbanus B. Dax Primary School is not that small since it caters for from Grade 4-Grade 7. And the school premises is able to house all learners including a seperate area for recreational and extra mural activities.

How to get Urbanus B. Dax Primary School application form?

It might happen that the school management made changes on this year’s application form, so, the best way to get an updated application form is to visit the school in person, or download the form on the school website.

How much is the registration fee at Urbanus B. Dax Primary School?

For a public school, the government pays N$200 available per primary school pupil and N$300 per secondary school pupil towards the school. For a private school, just under 98% of the school’s income comes from school fees.

How much is Urbanus B. Dax Primary School school fees?

Urbanus B. Dax Primary School is a State school. In Namibia, the government pays a Universal Education Grants (UEG Grant) to all state schools with effort to make school feeding, basic stationery and hostel fees to almost nothing. Grant of N$200 for primary and N$300 per secondary school pupil. Private schools determines their fees since they rely on independent funders and might not receive enough financial support from the state.

Faustina Van den Heever

Passionate about learning and sharing knowledge. Namibian Educationist, a Writer | School fanatic and bit of German blood :-) . 🌟 Let's read the so we can ✍️✨ #SchoolDirect | Ich liebe die Schule mehr als Essen.

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